Measures for Keeping Your Roofing Site Safe

Roofing work involves moving around and performing various activities at heights, which means that any roofing site is potentially dangerous and poses the risk of accidents if the necessary precaution measures are neglected. Here are some things you need to pay attention to and some safety measures to implement while working on roofs:

roofer with safety helmet and orange security vest

  • Personal protection equipment – every individual who performs work on a roof must wear protection equipment. The gear must include harnesses, headgear, gloves, non-slip work shoes, protection glasses and weather-protection, such as overalls;
  • Ladders – the step ladders used for accessing the roofing site need to extend at least 3 rungs over the edge of the roof and they need to be fitted with anchors for fixing them onto the roof;
  • Supervision – accidents can happen even if you have implemented safety measures, so make sure that the workers on the roof can call for help easily in case of an emergency and someone on the ground should follow the work done on the roof to warn workers against potential risks that they don’t see and to bring help if needed;
  • Have a first aid kit at hand – small injuries happen all the time, so make sure you have a well-stocked first aid kit on the job site to be able to handle cut fingers and other such minor issues.

To ensure roofing work site safety, hire safety conscious roofing Crystal Lake IL contractors to complete all your roofing service needs.

Originally Posted right here: Measures for Keeping Your Roofing Site Safe


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